Now you are ready to start building your project!

Before you start working on your project, it is always a good idea to save it in a desired location.

To save your project:

  1. Choose FILE > SAVE or Command + S.  In this step, you are saving your composition for the first time, so a save dialog opens up.
  2. Name your project and select a destination for it.
  3. Click Save. The name of the project will be displayed on top of the Project window.

5. Importing Video

Audio Design Desk supports mov, mp4, m4v and mpg video formats. You can import videos from your local hard disk or from the internet using a URL link.

5.1 Three Ways To Import From Local Disk:

  1. Click on VIDEO from the bar menu and select OPEN VIDEO from the drop-down list.


    2.    Right click on the project window and select OPEN VIDEO from the menu that appears.


     3.  Use the quick command Shift + Command + O

After using one of these methods, select the video you wish to work on and press OK.


5.2  Three Ways Import A Remote Video:

  • Go to VIDEO from the menu bar and select OPEN REMOTE VIDEO.


  • Right click on the project window and select OPEN REMOTE VIDEO.

  • Use the quick command Option + Command + O

  • Paste the URL of the Youtube or Vimeo video that you wish to import and then click open.